How many times has this gone through your mind...
I don't know if my parents can afford to retire
Will my parents move in with me because their house isn't fit to age in?
I can't take care of my parents all by myself
A stress free life
With a plan that you and your parents agree on you can rest easy knowing your parents are safe and taken care of
Joining the course
This is the right decision to create peace for you and your aging parents
Learn how to Overcome resistance
Before we talk solutions you will learn how to communicate through change, overcome objections, and honor your parents through the process
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How to build a support team
You can't do it alone! In the course we give you the tools including emails templates, meeting agendas, job descriptions, and every tool you need to build and maintain a support team
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The Tools. Simple not Scary
We dive deep into money -what you have and how to get more. Home evaluation- modification or move. Estate planning - what you don't want to do but need to.
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Nice to meet you!
Hi! I’m Josh. I have been where you are. After struggling to find help while I tried to my mother age with the respect and dignity she deserves. I work with families to help them create and implement a plan for aging. Together we cover home, finances, support teams, and most importantly how to communicate with each other.
More about me
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